Old World s’étoffe gratuitement

Qu’il est agréable de voir un jeu suivi dans le temps. Surtout quand il est excellent.

Old World a bénéficié la semaine dernière d’une mise à jour gratuite plutôt conséquente, ajoutant des cartes, des évènements, de nouveaux objets ainsi qu’un gros rééquilibrage incluant une amélioration de l’ia (qui est déjà au-dessus du lot). Une bonne raison pour se replonger dans ce fabuleux 4x, dont j’invite les nouveaux lecteurs à lire ma critique, ou y plonger tout court si ce n’est pas déjà fait.

Changelog rapide :

  • 2 nouvelles cartes duel (Rome vs Carthage et Grèce vs Perse)
  • 24 évènements
  • 11 objets
  • Ajustements des lois, de l’arbre technologique…
  • Amélioration de l’ia, qui entre autres estime mieux le danger et ne perd plus d’énergie sur des guerres secondaires triviales.

Changelog complet :

Main Branch 1.0.74111 Patch Notes Release 2024-09-18

Headline Changes

  • 24 new events and 11 new items
  • Two new premade maps designed for 1v1 duels
  • Tech tree and Law rebalancing
  • Performance and AI improvements
  • Hall of Fame improvements
  • Polishing updates to the Rise of Carthage and Heroes of the Aegean campaigns


  • Added 19 base game events, 5 Behind the Throne events and 11 new items
  • Base game events have a focus on Exploring characters and acquiring items that give unique benefits
  • Behind the Throne events relate to Rising Star leaders. The Rising Star trait is no longer automatically removed on becoming leader

Base Game Events

  • [CHARACTER]’s Travels
  • The Streets of [CITY]
  • Ransom
  • [CITY] Within Reach
  • A Gift
  • A Gift (alt)
  • A Crown from [NATION]
  • Towering Stones
  • Under Attack
  • A Dream in the Forest
  • Taking Root
  • The Ground
  • Stitched Together
  • [CHARACTER]’s Gift
  • From the Dead
  • Unwavering
  • Something to Remember Them By
  • Another Sunrise
  • The New Face of [NATION]

Behind the Throne events

  • To Rule is to Disappoint
  • A Waning Star
  • A Towering Reputation
  • [NATION] Rules [NATION], for Now
  • [NATION] Rules [NATION], for Now (alt)

Tech Tree Changes

  • Moved Free Akkadian Archer card to Forestry
  • Moved Free Battering Ram and Exotic Fur cards to Spoked Wheel
  • Free Battering Ram, Akkadian Archer and Hoplite card costs brought in line with other nations free level 1 unique unit cards (200 -> 100)
  • Moved Free Scholar tech card from Forestry to Metaphysics
  • Moved Architecture and Vaulting back a tier in the tech tree
  • Increased the cost of all 7th tier techs to compensate for the reduction in cost of Architecture and Vaulting (1500 -> 1600)
  • Architecture requires Drama instead of Portcullis
  • Portcullis no longer requires Drama
  • Stirrups requires Portcullis instead of Citizenship
  • Martial Code now requires Citizenship
  • Windlass requires Manor instead of Architecture
  • Siege Tower bonus card requires Windlass
  • Free Perfume card requires Architecture instead of Portcullis
  • Money Boost bonus card increased from 2000 to 4000 money

Law Changes

  • Slavery now gives +4 Iron and +4 Stone per city instead of increasing Mine and Quarry output. No longer gives +1 Discontent
  • Freedom now gives +1 Happiness and +20% Growth in all cities instead of Money per Specialist
  • Tyranny now gives +20% Training in all cities instead of a global Training boost. Money per unit in territory increased from 8 to 10
  • Divine Rule now gives +1 Order per Pagan Religion in all cities instead of Happiness per Shrine
  • Pilgrimage now gives +25% State Religion spread. Holy City Money per Religion boost increased from +5 to +10. No longer affects Science from Groves
  • Grove improvements now always give +2 Science in addition to previous effects

New Maps

  • Two new 1v1 premade maps added
  • Punic wars: Rome against Carthage
  • Median wars: Greece against Persia
  • These are accessible using the Premade Map option on the setup screen and from the Scenario menu under World Maps

Other Design Changes

  • Most map scripts in multiplayer now place all human players on the same landmass.
  • Exceptions are Archipelago, Continents, Player Islands and Disjunction
  • This is optional on Mediterranean and Lakes and Gulfs maps using ‘Connected Player Starts’ as this can significantly affect player starting positions
  • In MP games using the Player Development setting, extra cities have to obey the connection requirements of starting locations. If they can’t the player will not get them
  • Significantly increased the effect of Ruthless AI on player opinion and war declaration modifier
  • Laurion Mines now enable a Miner specialist on the tile
  • Undo is no longer available in cloud games using the Strict (Teams) turn style. This does not affect cloud games using Strict (Players) which still have undo.
  • Slums and Estates are now permanent and cannot be built over or pillaged (Behind the Throne)


  • Performance improvements relating to unit movement and reminders
  • Tribal unit movement AI is now somewhat more sophisticated
  • AI no longer declares war on tribes to expand when it’s already actively fighting other players
  • AI is now more likely to build farms around the Jerwan Aqueduct and less likely to build the Cothon in small seas
  • Improved player start selection on premade maps that do not dictate specific starting locations
  • Added randomization of player start selection on premade maps
  • Achievement code cleanup
  • Add virtual function for sorting of city site candidates, better for mods
  • Improved AI unit danger estimate
  • AI now helps their allies count down the capture timer for cities


  • Added sorting and filtering dropdowns and a regenerate button to Hall of Fame
  • Hall of Fame now has a SP/MP (Singleplayer / Multiplayer) column and this is shown on the game tooltip
  • Hall of Fame now shows icons instead of text for Load and Delete
  • Added audio option for continuing audio track when switching fullscreen tabs
  • Added obsoleting information to unit encyclopedia entries
  • Added Religion Opinion tracking to stats screen
  • Goals/Ambitions with time limits now show limit in bonus text
  • Removed some details of unlocked missions from tech tooltips
  • Tiles are now highlighted when hovering over event options that affect specific tiles
  • In Rise of Carthage scenario 4 the anchor command will now show an explanatory tooltip if ships can’t anchor due to scenario rules
  • Added notification for units that you kill during your turn
  • City borders now pulse when hovering over the city center
  • Pin Character mission removed. Pinning is now performed with a new star icon found under character actions
  • Leader icon changed to a crown and non-succession royals to an asterisk to differentiate them from the pin icon
  • Notable characters filter now only shows manually pinned characters and is ordered by turn pinned
  • Harvested resource tooltip now shows regrow chance as a percentage instead of a die roll
  • Family tree toggles now remember their previous state
  • Yields are now shown for all agent network cities regardless of agent status when sorting by base yields
  • Added support for a more complete set of stats in No Characters mode
  • Refactored ignore reminders code. Now supports ignoring reminder types separately for characters with multiple roles
  • Smaller tech status icons to reduce overlap on mini tech tree
  • All laws and theologies now show yield previews where relevant
  • Moved the generic improvement pings to the top of the dropdown list
  • Ambitions and goals with multiple requirements now show progress for each requirement on separate lines
  • Added yield name and sign in some bonus helptext
  • Improved text selection in ping and bug reporting popups
  • Heroes of the Aegean scenario 6 now highlights goal cities on the map
  • Updated Credits

Bugs Fixed

  • Rise of Carthage and Heroes of the Aegean campaign polishing pass, many bugs fixed
  • Fixed damaged unit healthbar not always showing
  • Fixed resources staying faded when a unit exits a tile
  • Fixed fatigue increasing effects (Swift, Zealot leader) not always affecting hired tribal units
  • Fixed raiding units not raiding after making peace with their original tribe
  • Fixed pinned characters getting removed on leaders death
  • Fixed tribe widgets being occluded by terrain in some cases
  • Fixed the effect of multiple holy cities in the same city not stacking
  • Fixed abdication sometimes leaving permanently exploring leaders
  • Fixed mirror maps sometimes not having symmetric vegetation on resource tiles
  • Fixed events not popping up on start of turn in hotseat
  • Fixed clicks on locked tooltip links not registering actions (e.g. selecting a character)
  • Fixed hover effect not showing on tech cards
  • Fixed nation/tribe opinion not updating immediately after diplomacy changes
  • Fixed city camera state not resetting at start of turn when selecting a city between turns
  • Fixed Royal characters sometimes not appearing in family tree
  • Fixed Assyrian capital combat preview being blocked by buildings on adjacent tile
  • Fixed invalid index exception from rebels spawning from a city without a family
  • Fixed raiders disappearing while inside city territory or adjacent to Kemet/Aten units in Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 3
  • Fixed Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 4 not completing when playing in Hotseat against the AI
  • Fixed errors with portrait interpolation enabled when portraits are not setup for it
  • Fixed portraits of characters without a tribe or nation
  • Fixed AI hang
  • Fixed inheritance preview showing wrong character when there will be no heir
  • Fixed AI danger calculation for units that need to be unlimbered
  • Fixed AI unit protection bug
  • Fixed grammar on Unit Killed notification
  • Fixed nested link issue in unit type link with promotions
  • Fixed assert from using waypoints to move units
  • Fixed critical hit icon sometimes briefly appearing before a unit goes on cooldown
  • Fixed undo crash
  • Fixed AI building ships where it should not be building any i.e. in small seas
  • Fixed Inheritance screen not updating
  • Fixed some reminders starting dismissed
  • Fixed “No Team Movement” game option
  • Fixed autonomous rule cities not repairing
  • Fixed units not fully resetting their animation queue when an undo or redo occurs
  • Fixed loading of lost games from the Hall of Fame
  • Fixed bug preventing the hire of allied tribal units when in a player city
  • Fixed loss of existing border expansion preview after selecting an event option
  • Fixed credits popup null reference on application close
  • Fixed dynastic mechanics of Ptolemy, Ashur-Uballit, Khufu and Mursili in No Events mode (Wonders and Dynasties)
  • Text and Event fixes

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