Une brève nouvelle qui peut intéresser ceux qui lorgnent sur Headquarters : World war II. Les développeurs de ce sympathique wargame se lancent dans un marathon correctif, avec une sortie hebdomadaire de patches prévue aussi longtemps que nécessaire. Décision étonnante puisque le jeu tourne globalement bien, mais toujours appréciable.
Le patch sorti cette semaine commence à balayer les problèmes d’ia, qui s’avérait effectivement bugguée (je m’étais fait la réflexion dans mon test). Le résultat reste perfectible mais c’est une excellente nouvelle, qui devrait à terme rendre le mode escarmouche intéressant dans tous les modes de jeu.
Pour ceux qui souhaitent obtenir à l’avance les dernières mises à jour, une bêta ouverte est dorénavant accessible depuis le menu steam du jeu (attention aux éventuelles incompatibilités de sauvegardes et de versions pour le jeu en ligne).
Changelog complet, avec la marche à suivre pour accéder à la bêta :
Here are the key changes in 1.00.02 update:
– Added the missing Email notifications for the Slitherine account about your turn in PBEM games.
– AI bug: Fixed a major issue that could have prevented AI from advancing toward the enemy flag
– AI improvement/bug: A major increase in its calculating speed, without impairing its capabilities. (Please, let us know how well it now works for you in terms of speed)
– AI improvement: AI now will try to keep attacking the same target with both attacks.
– AI improvement: AI will now have more incentive to “focus” enemy units – i.e. if one enemy unit was already attacked by AI controlled unit – other AI units will more likely attack it as well, unless they have a much better target available to them.
– Fixed a major issue with Chinese localization where some lines would not fit the UI (Combat Prediction and Terrain info). Now the font is smaller (but still big enough) and everything fits the UI better.
– Various localization fixes in all languages.
– Fixed a crash that would occasionally occur when Assaulting a unit with 0 Reactions left.
– Fixed a bug where an Info panel of a Spotted enemy unit could be opened via a hotkey.
– Fixed the counter on map 9 of the German campaign. Previously it did not work on the first turn of the mission.
– Added missing Smoke grenade sounds.
– Fixed Unit list not always updating in Hotseat when passing the turn to another player.
– Various UI fixes.
– Fixed a bug with incorrect use wreck for a unit Sherman Firefly (Poland). Previously the wrong mesh was used – Panzer IIIE
– Fixed a bug with incorrect use wreck for a unit Panzer III (FL). Previously the wrong mesh was used – Panzer IIIE.Open Beta branch is now live
Additionally, we now added an Open Beta branch for everyone to check out new updates even before they are delivered to the main game. So, all new updates are first available in the Open Beta branch, and in a few days go to the main game. If you want to get the latest fixes ASAP, you can always switch to the Open Beta branch. To do it you have to:
1) Right-click Headquarters: World War II in the Library list
2) Select Properties
3) Select Betas
4) Select ‘beta – open beta’ in the branch dropdown
This should allow you to update to this new branch.To opt out of Beta, just go through the same steps and switch to the “None” branch.
Further updates
We are already working on the
1.00.03 Update to be delivered next week. We found one AI issue that slipped through when we were working on the 1.00.02, so we will finalize the AI fixes in 1.00.03. Also, there are still a number of very important problems we will do our best to address. For example, some issues are happening, because the Windows user is not an Administrator, so we are looking to address that in 1.00.03. That and much more.