Le quatrième et dernier héros jouable de Deathless : Tales of Old Rus rejoint la partie. Alyosha, chasseur de démons équipé d’une épée et d’un hybride entre bâton de sorcier et pistolet, avec un style de jeu centré sur l’aveuglement des ennemis et l’oubli de cartes pour obtenir des bonus. Une équipe dorénavant au complet face à un bestiaire qui continue d’évoluer, avec dans ce même patch l’arrivée d’un nouveau boss légendaire.
Le jeu approche maintenant de la fin de sa phase d’accès anticipé. Aurons-nous droit à du contenu surprise pour l’arrivée de la 1.0 ?
Intéressé par Deathless : Tales of Old Rus ? Ma critique du jeu (juin 2024), les présentations de Vasilia (seconde héroïne), Dobrynya (troisième personnage) et enfin la page steam du jeu.

Changelog complet :
General changes:
Added a new hero: Alyosha
Added a new legendary bossRebalanced bosses
- All bosses now boost their attack by 1 when encountered on step 21 or higher
- Base attack increased from 4 to 5
- Decreased the rate at which allies are summoned when the battle lasts longer than expected
- Added a passive ability that grants Vigor when allies take damage
Werewolf Chieftain:
- Base health increased from 20 to 22
- Base health increased from 22 to 24
- Behavior tweaked to be more aggressive (now performs a regular non-Wounding charging attack instead of gaining Armor)
- Base health increased from 24 to 28
Corrupted Sorcerer:
- Base attack increased from 4 to 5
- Adept of the Gloom is now activated automatically in 4 turns instead of at 50% health
- When Adept of the Gloom is activated, up to 10 Armor is transferred to the next turn
- Behavior tweaked to be more aggressive (no longer spends a turn adding a Status)
Chudo Yudo:
- Base health increased from 20 to 24
- Base attack increased from 4 to 5
- Passive ability grants Strength after each turn if the hero did not take any health damage (even if they were not attacked)
Yaga Defiler:
- Added a passive ability that grants Strength when the hero plays a Boon
Other Changes
- Added Steam Deck and controller support
- Added bestiary filters
- Tweaked the logic of legendary boss battle selection
- Added 10 new Universal cards
- Tweaked the logic of cards that require X AP to play
- If such a card’s effect is doubled, AP is calculated as spent (X = 0) for the second activation
- Journey map added
Added new VFX for Vasilisa’s cards:
- Cataclysm
- Sweet Revenge
- Downpour
- Clear the Air
- Magic Blast
- Grand Entrance
Rebalanced Dobrynya (0.4.0)
- Forgotten Weapon: cost decreased from 2 to 1 AP (1 to 0 when upgraded); the card now grants 2 Armor (both regular and upgraded)
- Stronghold: base Armor increased from 1 to 2; cost of the upgraded version increased from 1 to 2 AP
- Trophy Armor: cost decreased from 3 to 2 AP (2 to 1 when upgraded); the card is now Epic
- Whirlwind of Steel now deals 4 damage instead of 5 (6 instead of 7 when upgraded)
- Dead Weight: cost decreased from 2 to 1 AP (1 to 0 when upgraded)
- Sick and Tired+ now deducts regular Armor (as intended), not base Armor.
- Warrior of Velikograd+ now increases damage by 2.
- Lightweight’s current cost is now taken into account when deciding whether or not it should be grayed out
- Azure Peak Shield: cost decreased from 2 to 1 AP (1 to 0 when upgraded)
- Screams of the Fallen: cost of the upgraded version increased from 1 to 2 AP
- Drained: Armor requirement decreased from 4 to 3 (6 to 5 when upgraded)
- Bloodletting: damage decreased to X (X+1 when upgraded)
- Calculating Mind now grants Fortitude x2; cost of the upgraded version increased from 1 to 2 AP
- Fortify: added 1 Armor
- Fire Burst: cost decreased from 2 to 1 AP (both regular and upgraded)
- The Basilisk can now be encountered several steps earlier than before
- Scavenge now has its cost increased after a foe is vanquished
- New and updated random events
- Added 6 new events
- Updated 8 existing events
Rebalanced relics (0.4.0)
- The Virovnik’s Necklace can now be dropped by bosses
- The Black Mirror is now Uncommon
- The Tinderbox is now Epic
- The Sorcerer’s Staff is now Rare
- The Fire-Breathing Shield’s effect is now triggered after gaining Armor at the start of the turn
Bug fixes
- Fixed card-sorting issues in the journey deck
- Fixed an issue that caused an inactive unlocked bestiary entry to be displayed as if it was selected
- Fixed button behavior and depiction when viewing bestiary character animations in full-screen mode
- Jingle Bells relic: fixed an issue that prevented damage numbers on the cards in the player’s hand from updating until cards were played for the first time — the numbers are now updated immediately after gaining Vigor
- Fixed an issue that caused lag when viewing the bestiary
- Defeating Gorynich’s multiple heads with a single attack no longer causes the battle to freeze
- Fixed an issue that caused Gorynich’s last remaining head to breathe fire on a Fireproof foe
- Buying Time (Varvara): fixed an issue that caused an incorrect Armor value to be displayed during the battle
- Bestiary: fixed an issue in the Hoarder’s entry
- Iron Claws relic: fixed description
- Golden Charm relic: fixed description
- Lore Corner: fixed an issue that caused the Honey Agate relic to be displayed incorrectly when sorting by category
- Fixed text overlap with a UI image on the journey completion screen
- Witch’s Besom relic: fixed incorrect description that was displayed when removing multiple cards
HOTFIX 08.11
Added 1 new achievement
Lexad the Devious: added voice acting when using the Leech life ability